Monday, September 27, 2010

Killlington - My highest solo

I spent my last few days of vacation time getting some high points in NY & VT...

Killington – 4,235’
Rutland VT County High Point

I arrived before sunrise but unfortunately clouds obscured the full moon so I went with a headlamp. Temperatures were in the 40’s as I hiked the direct route up the “A” trail (the Flume) which follows the K-1 Gondola to the top. Then moved to trail “2” to the summit. It was a total of 1.3 miles with 1,840’ of climb. I hit the top in 35:31 then spent 3:15 on the top quickly taking a few shots of the sunrise and checking out access to the firetower. The tower was impossible to climb it was locked up tightly. I ran down the mountain using a mix of trails 1, C, E, and F and included a pass over Skye Peak (3,800’). It took me 33:55 to Zigzag down the mountain for a total time of 1:12:43. I was in the parking lot as the Gondola workers were arriving for the start of the day’s action. Pre-dawn is a great time to visit an active ski area like this!


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