Saturday, July 11, 2020

15 years ago - Petey kicked my ass

This was one of my rare loses to Steve Peterson (Petey)

July 2005: Since the fourth of July was open (Chelmsford race was on July 2), I decided to put on a race.  On the 3rd I headed out to the Merrimack River and we marked out the course for the following day.  I advertised it as a “pick your distance” kind of thing. I put out some water but otherwise it was self-supported.  Petey, Ken Tripp, Rob Smith and I decided to do something a little different and opted to race over 15 miles (which meant dropping a car).  Petey was beating me on the ups but I had him on the flats.  At 5 miles I was 2 seconds back, at 10 I was 10 seconds back. His maximum lead was 15 seconds at 13 miles, then I hammered and caught him at 14.  Wouldn’t you know it, he had a little something left and pulled away for a 5 second victory.  I think this is the only time Petey ever beat me.  Seven others raced over various distances.

Merrimack River Trail Race 15 miles
1 1:36:01 Stephen Peterson
2 1:36:06 Dave Dunham
3 1:39:49 Ken Tripp
4 1:39:59 Rob Smith

20m – Dan Verrington & Greg Ward tie 2:32:00
30m – 1 Justin Dore 4:35:50 2. Norm Sheppard 5:17:18 3. Bill Morse 5:24:15
10m – Dave Geary & Wes Lassen 1:30:28

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