Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week Ending 07-22-12

Mixed bag of a week, I felt awful trying to race on the track on Tuesday but I put in 97 miles and set a new masters PR at the Ascutney Mountain race.

M - Lunch 4 in 27:49
       PM Dan's woods 6 in 41:27

T - Lunch 4 in 27:55
      PM 3 warm-up, 2m race in 10:52, 2m warm-down/warm-up, 800m race in 2:29, 2 warm-down

W - Lunch 4 in 29:24
       PM Dan's woods 6 in 41:15

Th - 415am Industrial park 6 in 44:37
        Lunch 4 in 27:08
       PM Winnekenni 6 in 42:29

F - 415am Ind Pk 6 in 43:36
      Lunch 4 in 28:13
      PM Winni 8 in 57:46

Sat - 645am 70:24 out/back on the Chelmsford Rail trail
         230pm up/down Mt Ascutney with Tim Mahoney (up 42:23, down 35:11)

Sun - 3 warm-up, then 1m with strides, 3.7 mile mountain race up Ascutney in 31:04, 1.7 round-trip to the summit, then run down the road after the awards (35:42)

Week - 97
Month - 292
Year - 2,667
Life - 116,740

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