Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week Ending 09-18-16

Another 80 mile week, also got in a preview of the Bretton Woods Fell running course and (half of) the Manchester Marathon course.

Week - 80
Month - 204
Year - 2639
Life - 133,092

M - Lunch Dan's AVIS trails 7 59:52
       A little later 4 at Crane Beach 35:34

T - Lunch Dan's AVIS trails 7 59:06
      Right into Stevens to Stevens 5 in 42:09

W - 630am 12 at Weir hill 1:43:54

Th - Ipswich River Audubon Drumlin trail 33:58
        Dan's Lunch 7 in 58:05

F - 9am at Bretton Woods 7m course preview 1:38:54
      Later 4 on Franconia Notch bike trail and Artists bluff 38:15

Sat - 13 on the Manchester marathon course 1:34:47

Sun - 9 w Petey and D-la on the Freeman rail trail 1:18:08

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