Thursday, October 20, 2016

25 years ago today

Baystate Marathon 10-20-1991

I decided to do the Baystate marathon as a training run to help pace Petey (Steve Peterson), it was 2 weeks before the marathon I was aiming for (Newport) so I wanted a good long run.  Mike Beeman joined us for the fun as he was aiming for 6:00 pace in the ½ marathon.  Mark Behan also ran with us for the first 15 at which point we slowed a bit and he continued on.  I stayed with Petey offering encouragement as we went from 6’s to 6:12, 6:16, 6:22 and 6:44.  By 20 the wheels had come off and we ran a 7:23, somewhere after 20 Petey called it a day.  I upped the tempo looking to get pack down to an overall pace of 6’s.  My last 5 miles were run in 27:40 which got me across the line in 2:38:23 for 4th place.

6:03      12:06
6:03      18:09
6:02      24:11
6:04      30:15
6:04      36:19
5:58      42:17
6:00      48:17
6:00      54:17
5:57      1:00:14
5:59      1:06:13
5:59      1:12:12
5:59      1:18:11
6:01      1:24:12
6:06      1:30:18
6:12      1:36:30
6:16      1:42:46
6:22      1:49:08
6:44      1:55:52
7:23      2:03:15
6:17      2:09:32
5:38      2:15:10
5:39      2:20:49
5:36      2:26:25
5:22      2:31:47
5:25      2:37:12
1:11      2:38:23

1 Brian Crane 2:28:14
2 Mark Behan 2:36:17
3 Eric Beeman 2:37:15
4 Dave Dunham 2:38:23
5 Bill Gaudere 2:39:28

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