Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Whitaker Woods - All time

Race director Kevin Tilton came up with the “all-time” stats for the Whitaker Woods snowshoe race.  It is hard to compare efforts at a snowshoe race since conditions (depth, firmness of snow) make a huge difference.  I’ve run Whitaker 5 of the 7 years it has been held and in those years conditions were very similar (FAST).  One year was had a shorter course so those times are not included.  All of my times are within 59 seconds.  If nothing else it shows the depth of the field at this year’s race.  My 29:10 in 2013 was good enough for 2nd place, this year it would have only placed 13th.
Teammates Jim Pawlicki (40+), Ed Sheldon (50+) and Paul Bazanchuk (60+) set course records in their respective categories.
Rank     Place     Time     Year      Name                            Sex       Category                        Team
1          1          23:37    2017     Nacho   Hernando           M          Men 20-29         Sweetie Pies
2          1          24:49    2015     Nacho   Hernando           M          21                     Sweetie Pies
3          2          25:17    2015     Jim       Johnson             M          37                     CMS/Dion
                 26:04    2017     Marc      Ouellette                               Men 20-29        
5          3          26:06    2017     Turner   Zamore             M          Men 30-39        
6          4          26:15    2017     Andrew  Drummond         M          Men 30-39         SIX03
7          1          26:29    2016     Jim       Johnson             M          30                     Six03 Endurance
8          5          26:32    2017     Brandon Newbould          M          Men 30-39         Whirlaway
9          3          26:37    2015     Andrew  Drummond         M          33        
10         1          26:53    2011     Jim       Johnson             M          33                     CMS/Inov8/Dion
11         1          26:56    2013     Jim       Johnson             M          35                     BAA/Dion
12         6          27:12    2017     Kevin     Tilton                M          Men 30-39         CMS
13         7          27:26    2017     John      Corona              M          Men 20-29         Flynn Snowshoeing
14         1          27:27    2012     Jim       Johnson             M          34                     CMS
15         8          27:30    2017     James   Pawlicki             M          Men 40-49         CMS 40+ CR
16         9          27:36    2017     Ed         Sheldon             M          Men 50-59         CMS 50+ CR
17         2          27:57    2016     Eric       Narcisi               M          30                     CMS
18         2          28:00    2011     Judson  Cake                 M          33                     Acidotic
19         10         28:07    2017     Louis     Saviano             M          Men 20-29         The Boys TC
20         3          28:09    2011     Kevin     Tilton                M          29                     CMS/Inov8/Dion
21         2          28:25    2012     Judson  Cake                 M          34                     Acidotic
22         11         28:28    2017     Phillip    Erwin                 M          Men 40-49         Acidotic Racing
23                 28:30    2016     Chris     Mahoney                                30                     CMS
24         4          28:37    2015     Sam      Wood                M          28                     CMS
25         3          28:40    2012     Dave     Dunham                        M          47                     CMS
26         4          28:51    2011     Tim       Cox                   M          37                     Acidotic
27         5          28:54    2015     Eric       Narcisi               M          35                     CMS
28         12         29:07    2017     Joel       Turcotte             M          Men 30-39         SIX03
29         2          29:10    2013     Dave     Dunham                        M          48                     CMS/Atlas
30         13         29:15    2017     Kale      Poland               M          Men 30-39         Acidotic
31         14         29:19    2017     Dave     Dunham                        M          Men 50-59         CMS
32         5          29:29    2011     Ryan     Kelly                  M          29                     Acidotic
33         6          29:30    2015     Marek    Telus                 M          33                     Acidotic
34         7          29:31    2015     Garrison Parker               M          28        
35         8          29:34    2015     Damon  Gannon             M          46        
36         15         29:38    2017     Jeff       Litchfield                                Men 50-59         Acidotic
37         6          29:39    2011     Dave     Dunham                        M          46                     CMS
38         9          29:44    2015     Jonathan Miller               M          45        
39         4          29:49    2012     Danny   Ferreira              M          29                     Acidotic
40         16         29:49    2017     Zack      Chabot              M          Men 20-29        

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