Monday, March 19, 2018

New Bedford half-marathon

So it begins...I've been doing the grand prix road series since 1987.  The New Bedford half-marathon was the first race in the 2018 series of 7 road races from 5k-marathon.  I wasn't really feeling ready for "big" racing just yet but was pleased with how quickly I've been able to turn it around since the calf injury (Jan. 21) and the prostate related surgery (Feb. 6).  My stretch goal coming into the race was to run around my time from last year (1:20:48).  This may have been the coldest New Bedford I've ever done with 20 degrees at the start.  As always wind would be a factor but at 15mph it'd be a lot better than the crazy wind from last year.

Dave La and I met up with Martin Tighe and headed out for an easy 2 mile warm-up.  It was a good idea to run the first mile of the course and get a feel for the wind and the cold.  It made deciding how many layers to wear a lot easier.  I went with tights and protective shorts and two long-sleeve light weight tops over a CMS t-shirt, gloves and ear-covers kept hands and ears safe.  It was a little chilly running over to the start but not bad once we got going.

I seeded myself about 10 rows back (based on previous years) but was a bit surprised at how long it took to cross the line (10 seconds) and then another 1/4 mile before I was able to run without worrying about tripping on anyone.  I went out conservatively, the opening downhill mile was covered in 6:11 and then the rolling (each one had a decent hill) next three in 6:15, 6:23, and 6:27.  I was not in panic mode.  I had a plan to try and be relaxed through four then try to move  up during the next very fast 4 miles.  I latched onto a couple of guys at 4 and started rolling (5:47 & 5:58) got me up to my CMS teammates Art Besse, Jim Pawlicki, and Martin Tighe.  We stayed together through 7 (5:47) and then our little group broke as Arthur made a move to bridge the gap to the big group in front of us and I went with him.  I felt this would be the group to be in once we hit the wind after 9 miles.  The pack also had fellow 50+ runner Charlie Bemis (WRT), so I really wanted to be in the mix. 

That was definitely the group to be in as we ran a 607 and 603 before hitting the wind.  Charlie and I hung back a bit as the other two guys took turns leading into the wind.  One of the guys was very enthusiastic encouraging other runners to "jump on board" and motioning for either me or Charlie to take a turn at the front.  I don't know about Charlie but I had no interest in taking the brunt of the wind.  Heck, it is a race not a workout.  I do appreciate that they didn't ditch us, it certainly made 10 & 11 easier (611 & 621-estimated).

A little after 11 I saw another 50+ WRT runner not too far ahead.  Soon Charlie gapped me but by 12 (621) I had caught Scott Anderson (the other WRT runner).  So I lost a 50+ spot but gained one.  That last hill is a bear but finally my watch beeped for 12.5 miles and I knew it was all downhill to the finish.  My legs were pretty beat and I couldn't really go into a kick on the down.  I ended up losing a couple of places in the last 1/2 mile but hit the finish in 1:21:07, only 19 seconds behind my time for last year.

No complaints and now 2 weeks until the next GP race!

547 (tailwind!)
611 (headwind)
543 (wrong)
700 (wrong - but the 2 miles in 1243 is right on)

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