Thursday, May 3, 2018

Pack Monadnock once again

Races I’ve done the most
There are 11 races that I’ve done 10 or more times.  Not surprisingly six of those are mountain races.  This weekend I’ll be running at Pack Mondanock where I’ve completed the 10 mile race 17 times.  That trails only Mt Washington (27) and Wachusett mountain (21).  I believe the only races on the list that I won’t be running this year are Newburyport (Tuesday night race!) and Ascutney (conflicts with another race I’m doing).
Rank                        Dist.        Type        Dates                      No.          Best Pl Worst Pl # of wins      Best time
1 Mt Washington    7.60         Mtn          1988-2017               27            1              32            3              1:00:37  
2 Wachusett Mtn    Various   Mtn          1995-2017               21            1              29            3              various   
3 Pack Monadnock  10.00       Mtn          1992-2017               17            1              16            3              59:13      
4t New Bedford       13.11       Road       1990-2018               14            1              243          1              1:05:02
4t Merrimack river   10.00       Trail         1995-2018               14            1              65            3              56:42      
6t Mill city relay      Various   Road       1987-2017               12            1              Unk         4              various   
6t Mt Ascutney        Various   Mtn          2001-2016               12            1              8              1              various   
6t Cranmore           Various   Mtn          1996-2017               12            1              145          1              various   
9 Loon Mountain     Various   Mtn          2006-2017               11            2              46            0              various   
10t Carson Memorial 2.00       Road       1984-2012               10            1              22            5              9:20        
10t Newburyport     10m/5K   Road       1985-2008               10            2              80            0              50:10      

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