Thursday, April 16, 2020


I had a pretty bad migraine last weekend.  I’m not complaining, I was able to get my run in (then slept for 16 hours).  A few years ago I was having one a month on average.  They have definitely reduced in frequency but boy have they picked up in potency.  I’ve only had the “aura” issues for the last four years.  Really freaky when it hits out of nowhere and I suddenly can’t see out of the center of my eyes.  My dad had these until he was about 50 and my siblings have had them as well.  I’ve been lucky so far, I’ve only missed one race due to a migraine!

04/13/20              Hit in the morn, able to run but then out for the day                       

01/19/20              Hit during bike ride, out for most of the day and hungover for 2 days                       

08/20/19              Okay in morn, then 8am couldn't see, slept until 2:30 then PT  & back to bed.                 

07/06/19              Hit me mid-morning, slept 4 hours a bit better                   

05/21/19              Got home from my run and couldn't see, hungover for 3 days                     

04/28/19              Woke up and couldn't see, slept another 5 hours                              

2018 None!

07/14/17              Fine until afternoon at packing up for race and hit with aura, bed at 3pm until next morn               

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