Sunday, June 28, 2020

Week Ending 06/28/20

Headache and stomach ache continue for nearly 2 weeks not sure what is up.  Running okay, basically the only time I’m feeling okay.

Week – 81

Month – 288

Year – 1,774

Life - 146,681

M – 445 am Methuen rail trail out/back plus out/back for 6m in 757s

        1130am Industrial Park 5 in 737s

T – 445am Methuen rail trail 6 in 746s

      1130am Merrimack River trail 6 in 820s

W – 445am Methuen rail trail 6 in 739s

         1130am Kingsbury 5m in 716s

Th – 445am Methuen rail trail 6 in 726s

         1130am Kingsbury 5m (reverse direction) in 654s

F – 445am Methuen depot to state line twice plus out/back to Lawrence7m in 744s

       11am Merrimack river trail 4m in 812s

S - Over the river and through the woods - RACE!

      715am warm-up preview of the course

       745am 1m in race shoes

        8am 5km race - 2m road, 1m XC, 1st pl 18:41

         830am sweep the course 3m

           930am 5 more relaxing miles  in 913s

S - 645am bike the Goffstown rail trail end to end 16m in 

     9am GSRT group run 10m in 911s

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