Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snowshoe - more history

All time WMAC top ten lists

I find this kind of stuff endlessly interesting. Stats, stats, and more stats.  Ed had started me down this path a couple of years ago wondering who had the most top 10 finishes and then who had the most podium (top 3) finishes.  Now I track this from year to year. 

CMS runners own 11 of the top 25 spots on the “most top 10 finishes” list.  TiVo and Tim Mahoney have both really jumped ahead in the last two years as they’ve both raced a ton and placed well consistently.  GHTC’s Ken Clark has an amazing 84 top 10 finishes spanning the last 12 years.  That shows a lot of endurance and ability.

Most Top 10 finishes
            Name             Top 10     Total raced
1 Ken Clark                   84        106
2 Dave Dunham             72        78
3 Bob Dion                    57        114
4 Edward Alibozek       44        98
5 Tim Van Orden           41         41
6 Leigh Schmitt 34        35
7 Tim Mahoney             33        33
8 Ben Nephew               33        36
9 Dave Hannon              26        29
10 Jay Kolodzinski        26        53
11 Richard Bolt             25        26
12 Paul Low                  22        23
13 Jim Johnson 20        20
14 Paul Bazanchuck       19         29
15 Greg            Hammett          19         18
16 Mathew Cartier        18         18
17 Josh Merlis              18         18
18 Richard Teal            17         36
19 Ross Krause              15         21
20 Matt Westerlund      14         14
21 James Pawlicki         13         18
22 Rob Smith                13         21
23 Shaun Sutliffe        13         23
24 Alan            Bates               12         38
25 Abby Mahoney         11         21

Top five prediction…TiVo will lead the list within 3 years and Jim Johnson will be in the top 5 next year (unless he moves).

Most Top 5 finishes
                               Top 5        Total raced
1 Dave Dunham              63        78
2 Ken Clark                   55        106
3 Tim Van Orden           37        41
4 Leigh Schmitt 33        35
5 Ben Nephew               29        36
6 Tim Mahoney             26        33
7 Richard Bolt              25        26
8 Bob Dion                    24        114
9 Paul Low                    22        23
10 Jim Johnson 20        20
11 Greg Hammett           15         18
12 Dave Hannon            13         29
13 Ross Krause              13         21
14 Matt Cartier 13         18
15 Josh Merlis              13         18
16 Edward Alibozek      9          98
17 Shaun Sutliffe         9          23
18 Dan Verrington         9          12
19 Jay Kolodzinski        8          53
20 James Pawlicki        8          18
21 Elijah Barrett           8          12
22 Ethan Nedeau          8          10
23 Kevin Tilton 05-11    8          10

CMS is really strong in the “top 3” category taking 8 of the top 10 spots on the list.

Most top 3 finishes
                               Top 3        Total raced
1 Dave Dunham              46        78
2 Ken Clark                   30        106
3 Leigh Schmitt 30        35
4 Tim Van Orden           27        41
5 Ben Nephew               21         36
6 Richard Bolt              21         26
7 Paul Low                    21         23
8 Jim Johnson              20        20
9 Tim Mahoney             14         33
10 Greg Hammett          12         18
11 Josh Merlis              12         18
12 Bob Dion                  9          114
13 Ross Krause              9          21
14 Mathew Cartier        9          18
15 Ethan Nedeau           7          10
16 Kevin Tilton              7          10
17 Josh Ferenc             7          7
18 Shaun Sutliffe         6          23
19 Bryan Dragon           6          9
20 Brian Rusiecki          6          7
21 James Pawlicki         5          18
22 Elijah Barrett          5          12
23 Justin Fyffe            5          5

Percentage of finishes in the top ‘whatever’ category are a little tricky, the fewer races you do the more likely you are to score a high percentage.  Of course going off course or breaking a shoe, being sick, are just a few of the reasons for a less than stellar percentage.  Getting older and slower is probably the main cause.  Eight of the top 12 are CMS including 4 with 100% ratings.

Best percentages of top 10 finishes.
                               Top 10   #raced   %in top 10
1 Tim Van Orden           41         41         100%
2 Tim Mahoney             33        33        100%
3 Jim Johnson              20        20        100%
4 Greg Hammett            19         19         100%
5 Mathew Cartier          18         18         100%
6 Josh Merlis               18         18         100%
7 Matt Westerlund        14         14         100%
8 Leigh Schmitt 34        35        97%
9 Richard Bolt              25        26        96%
10 Paul Low                  22        23        96%
11 Dave Dunham            72        78        92%
12 Ben Nephew             33        36        92%
13 Dave Hannon            26        29        90%

I believe Richard and Paul are both victims of the “going off course” wrecking a perfect top 5 percentage.  CMS really rules this list with 10 of the top 12.  JJ is the only person with more than 7 finishes to have a perfect top 5 finish %. 

Best percentages of top 5 finishes.

                                Top 5    #raced    %in top 5
1 Jim Johnson               20        20        100%
2 Richard Bolt              25        26        96%
3 Paul Low                    22        23        96%
4 Leigh Schmitt 33        35        94%
5 Tim Van Orden           37        41         90%
6 Dave Dunham             63        78        81%
7 Ben Nephew               29        36        81%
8 Ethan Nedeau            8          10         80%
9 Kevin Tilton               8          10         80%
10 Greg Hammett          15         19         79%
11 Tim Mahoney            26        33        79%
12 Dan Verrington        9          12         75%

Best percentages of top 3 finishes.

                               Top 3     #raced    %in top 3
1 Jim Johnson               20        20        100%
2 Josh Ferenc              7          7          100%
3 Justin Fyffe              5          5          100%
4 Paul Low                    21         23        91%
5 Leigh Schmitt 30        35        86%
6 Brian Rusiecki            6          7          86%
7 Richard Bolt              21         26        81%
8 Ethan Nedeau            7          10         70%
9 Kevin Tilton               7          10         70%
10 Josh Merlis              12         18         67%


pLow said...


If you do not mind, could you remind me of the 23rd race where I was not in the top ten? I can't for the life of me remember finishing a WMAC race lower than 3rd and my records are not nearly as good as yours. Thanks.


double-d Mountain runner said...

Glad to see someone is actually reading this!

I'll check my spreadsheets (work computer). My guess is there was some race you went off course...Maybe at Northfield or at Woodford? I'll get back to you on this Monday.