Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cold Snowshoe races

After the Brooksby Farm snowshoe race Jim Pawlicki asked me how this ranked for all-time cold races.  We could both remember some cold windy days at Western Mass races, but I wasn’t sure what the coldest was.  I went through my training logs and checked all snowshoe races.  Typically I’d note what the temperature was.  I came up with the list below of all snowshoe races I’ve done in “single-digit” temperatures.  Prospect tops the list at 9 below, but the Greylock Glen race really stands out in my memory because there were no indoor facilities and the wind was howling that day.
So much for the news reports about how dangerous it was outside and people should just stay indoors.
Rank    Date                 Temp    Location           Race
1          2/10/2013         -9         Bennington, VT   Prospect
2          1/22/2000         -4         Adams, MA         Greylock Glen
3          1/25/2004         -3         Pittsfield, MA      Curly's
4          2/14/2016         -2         Peabody, MA      Brooksby Farm
5          1/24/2004         0          Essex Jct, VT      USSSA qualifier
6          1/25/2009         0          Pittsfield, MA      Curly's
7          1/15/2000         3          Florida, MA         South Pond
8          1/19/2002         4          Beaver Creek, CO            North American Champs
9          2/11/2001         5          New Ipswich, NH            Windblown
10         2/15/2003         5          Hawley, MA        Hawley Kiln
11         1/10/2009         8          Pittsfield, MA      Turner trail
12         1/26/2014         8          Sandwich, NH     Sidehiller
13         1/30/2010         9          Sandwich, NH     Sidehiller
14         1/21/2012         9          Conway, NH       Whittaker Woods

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Curlys race from 2009 was bitter and really sticks out in my memory as the coldest I've felt while snowshoe racing. No indoor facilities at that race as well. Good times!