Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Since my first marathon in 1989, I’ve completed 47 races of 26.2 miles or longer.  Of that 35 were marathons, and of the marathons 30 of those were road races (the others were trail).  In the 30 road marathons I’ve had 4 wins and 5 second place finishes and an average time of 2:36:42.  This weekend I hope to complete my 31st road marathon and only my 5th in the last 10 years.  With my lower mileage in training and total lack of long runs I don’t know how many times I’ll do the marathon in the coming years.  Time will tell.

My road marathons:

Date        Info                         Location, St            Time        PL            Fin          
04/18/89 Boston                    Hopkinton, MA       2:22:03   17            5122        67 deg 3110/3210/3310 died last 10K
02/25/90 Bay state                 Lowell, MA              2:51:00   4              250          Tied w Artie, Dave C, Don Alvey 12710 @ 1/2
10/14/90 Bay state                 Lowell, MA              2:58:28   18            202          ran through in 258
11/11/90 Columbus               Columbus, OH        2:19:28   26            4059        3220/6446/9740/21158 - won $300
10/20/91 Bay state                 Lowell, MA              2:38:23   4              385          Paced Petey (dnf) Mark B with us to 15m
11/03/91 Rhode Island         Newport, RI            2:29:28   3              1025        1/2m wup, ran relaxed. 1 Cornell 22621, won $500
03/01/92 Hyannis                  Barnstable, MA      2:54:58   12            500          Workout 20s very windy ran with Woody,  1st place ran 231
04/11/92 US Olympic trials   Columbus, OH        2:21:18   20            110          70s sunny windy, won $1500
10/18/92 Bay state                 Lowell, MA              2:52:18   14            380          w/o.  509 miles for October
12/12/92 Rocket city             Huntsville, AL         2:20:51   1              874          30-40 very windy, surged after 21 for w 6945/7106, won $1500
10/17/93 Bay state                 Lowell, MA              2:51:25   19            379          Ran with Mike Beeman and Byrne
10/31/93 Ocean state            Newport, RI            2:26:06   2              450          Curtis 22535, rainy windy felt lousy won $1000
04/09/95 World Cup              Athens, Greece       2:27:51   56            101          Historic course from Marathon to Athens
09/24/95 Clarence Demar      Keene, NH              2:30:25   2              324          Trying to qualify.  1/2 w Dan then 6's since we wouldn’t qualify
12/09/95 Rocket city             Huntsville, AL         2:25:41   9              1069        37 deg and 25 mph.  Big pack thru 1/2, won $250
10/06/96 Portland                  Portland, ME           2:34:57   2              325          30s sunny me and Byrne working for Byrne to win.  40 min last 10k!
10/27/96 USATF NE              Falmouth, MA         2:24:05   2              809          60 degrees, me and Craig to 24, then he buried me 7225/7140 splits
12/14/96 Rocket city             Huntsville, AL         2:19:49   2              883          37-50 degrees, Bonked at 21 but still okay.  6950/6959, won $1000
10/18/98 Bay state                  Tyngsboro, MA      2:21:36   1              682          55-72 degrees Alex Tilson 15-21 w me, broke away last 2m won $200
12/12/98 Rocket city             Huntsville, AL         2:22:35   4              866          Felt lousy, better after 16.  11th at 1/2 8th at 18, 4th at 23, won $500
05/02/99 USA champs           Pittsburgh, PA        2:21:55   10            2289        Sun 50-65 passed a lot in the 2nd half, won $1250
09/24/00 Clarence Demar      Keene, NH              2:29:10   1              277          60s humid drizzle
09/30/00 NH Marathon          Bristol, NH             2:43:31   1              103          40-65, headwind 2nd half, stopped 3 times for bathroom, won $300
10/29/00 USATF NE               Falmouth, MA         2:30:53   5              796          35-40 with 30 mph wind, big pack thru 1/2, won $100
12/14/02 Rocket City             Huntsville, AL         2:36:22   10            815          25th at 1/2 moved up in the wind, won $250
10/31/04 USATF NE               Falmouth, MA         2:50:19   18            920          Aiming for 7's felt good running 6:30's
10/28/07 USATF NE               Falmouth, MA         2:49:25   27            1005        Felt good except one patch at 14m.  8th in the 40-49
10/18/09 Baystate                    Lowell, MA              2:59:41   75            1561        Felt good most of the way, tired after 21 or so.  Kept it very even.
10/17/10 Baystate                   Lowell, MA              2:58:06   79            1565        Ran to test foot.  Felt good, picked it up last 9 miles
05/24/15 Vermont City          Burlington, VT        3:09:14   163          2620        6th in the 50-54, out very easy fast last 10. 1:37:14/1:32:00


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