Monday, April 1, 2019

Week Ending 03/31/19

In Florida until Thursday, so some very nice flat running.  I may have pushed it a but on Tues/Wed and was feeling it heading into the weekend.  Ran my first race in the 55-59 age group.

Week =  80
Month = 359
Year = 897
Life = 142,932

M - 630am pre-sunrise 8m in Betmar in 754s
       Noon 4m on the Van Fleet rail trail in 729s

T - 615am pre-sunrise 10m in Betmar in 734s
      1pm 4 in Oaks Royal in 729s

W - 615am 10 again in Betmar in 751s
        noon 4 in Oaks Royal with a couple of fast .4's on the Memorial parkway total in 655s

Th - 430am 5 in Betmar in 758s
         Noon 5 on the Topsfield rail trail in 730s

F - 630am 7 on the Salem/Windham rail trail in 828s
      Noon 3 miles in Haverhill while getting winter tires removed 828s

Sat - 915am 2m warm-up, 950 .7 more, 10am 15k race, 1030am 1m warm-down

Sun - 7m with Petey and D-la on the Freeman rail trail 946s

I'm now old enough to own property in the Oaks Royal community

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