Friday, August 30, 2019

Red lining North Common Meadow & Brooks Woodland Preserve

Part one of N Common and Brooks.  I got most of the north and north west parts done.  Had originally planned to cross the Swift River and get the Dudley and Surprise meadow trails but that would've gotten me well over 12 miles (too much right now).  I think I'll be fine with getting those two trails when I do the southern section.

Buttercup lane was really overgrown with a lot of ferns.  North Common meadow from East Street is inaccessible, I had to backtrack and run up the road.  It looks like that part hasn't been mowed in at least a couple of years (it wasn't mowed when I visited in 2017).

The blue trail is amazing!  Great footing and wide (horse?) trail.  Hilly over that part but loved running in there.

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