Wednesday, June 1, 2011

10 miles

With yesterday’s run I finally got over 10 miles a day (average) for this year.  I very nearly averaged 12 miles a day for May which really helped boost my average and make up for those 8 days that I’ve missed so far this year.  Right now I’ve got 11 weeks without a day off; my last one was due to pneumonia back in March.  I’m hoping the consistent training will pay off with some good race results in June (and beyond).

2011   Life   
1,492    111,693 Distance
149       11,864  # of days
10.01   9.41      Average per day
15         62        High day
90        140       High Week
308      513       High month
79        366      Streak - longest
8          1,576    Days off
5%       13.3%   % DO

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