Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week Ending 07-01-12

My second big week in a row, aiming to crack 100 miles and hit 110 with "only" 10 miles on the final day.  I was sore pretty much all week from the downhill running at Cranmore last weekend.  Closed out the week with a 4k race to get some turnover leading into the Carson Memorial 2m on the fourth...

M - 415am Industrial park 6 in 49:12, very sore from Cranmore
       Lunch 4 in 31:47
       PM Dan's woods 6 in 43:36

T - 415am Ind Pk 6 in 48:40
      Lunch 4 in 30:42
      PM Dan's woods 6 in 42:34

W - 415am Ind Pk 6 in 46:30
       Lunch 4 in 30:44
       PM Dan's woods 6 in 41:04

Th - 4am Ind Pk 6 in 44:59
        Lunch 6 on the Rail Trail in Lowell 43:18
        PM out/back on the River trail in 57:55

F - 4am Ind Pk 6 in 44:34
      Lunch 4 in 28:22
      PM Winnekenni out/back 8 with Dan in 60:58

Sat - 10 miles on the Chelmsford Rail Trail with Dave La, Petey, Spence in 85:08
         Noon @ the River out/back 4 with 1 mile of strides (6:06) in 27:27

Sun - 3 warm-up, another mile of strides, 4km race in 13:38, 3.5 warm-down with Dan in 28:25

Week - 110
Month - 10
Year - 2,385
Life - 116,458

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