Monday, April 6, 2009

Week ending 4-5-09

Transition from March into April included my first track workout and my second consecutive week over 80 miles.
Picture from 1991 New Haven, 1991 was the year that I last ran in Brockton.

M – 6 mile Lunch run on treadmill = 4301

6 mile bird sanctuary run with Dan = 4127

T – 6 mile Lunch run on treadmill = 4304

6 o/b on the River with jj and Albee= 4356

W – 6 mile Lunch run on treadmill = 4301

6 mile bird sanctuary run with Dan = 4011

Th – 6 mile Lunch run on treadmill = 4301

Track w/o with Dan and DQ at Phillips 6x400 @75 – total 8m= 5552

F – 6 mile Lunch run on treadmill = 4301

6 mile bird sanctuary run with Dan = 4129

Sat – 8 mile o/b at Winni with the Q-brothers and both Marks – 5930

Sun – 3.75 w/up= 2844, .5 of strides, 3.75 race=2036 , 1 w/dwn=748. Then 2 sets of 3m run in six towns. Total = 15 miles

Total for the week = 85 miles
April = 61
2009 = 1,008
Life = 105,119


Anonymous said...

Nice shorts.

s p running said...

I was think about how high feet off the ground... but yes, those shorts make the shot